Tuesday 28 July 2015

Marunnu - Punathil Kunjabdulla

Presenter- Aiswarya Gigikumar (III BA English)
Date of Presentation : July 21, 2015
Marunnu, the Malayalam novel written by Punathil Kunjabdulla was the book chosen for presentation by Aiswarya Gigikumar. The unseen world of medicine is the background of the novel. The presenter could effectively bring before the audience the drab life inside hospitals, and the enigma that surrounds its various characters.

Tuesday 21 July 2015

Distribution of Reading List 

The conveners of the Book Lovers' Club visited the first year students and distributed a recommended list of 100 books on July 20, 2015. The list contains selected classics from English and Malayalam which students ought to read in the graduation level.

Sunday 19 July 2015

Sarada - O Chandu Menon 

The nineteenth century Malayalam novel, Sarada written by O Chandu Menon the pioneer novelist in Malayalam was presented by Angel M Bejoy of  III BA English on July 14, 2015. The presenter by her lucid Malayalam took the audience on a verbal journey into the life of the protagonist, a girl named Sarada set in the backdrop of nineteenth century Kerala.

Saturday 4 July 2015

 Weekly Presentation

The Good Earth - Pearl S Buck

 Anupama Peter of III BA English presented The Good Earth by Pearl S. Buck on June 30, 2015.